2007年12月24日 星期一


台灣晶圓雙雄之一的聯電公司榮譽董事長曹興誠喜歡古美術,眾所皆知,他的收藏眼光更獲全球專業藝評家肯定,剛出爐的《 Great Collectors of Our Time》一書中,曹興誠獲選為全球重要收藏家之一,而且是台灣唯一入選的收藏家。 《 Great Collectors of Our Time》的作者James Stourton畢業自劍橋大學,專攻藝術史,1979年加入蘇富比,目前是蘇富比英國首席代表。由於科班出身,加上多年與藝術為伍,現在已是全球最重要 的藝評人之一。

他撰寫此書,花了多年時間,是繼1963年Douglas Cooper的《Great Private Collections》後,第一本有關當代全球收藏家的重要鉅作。 James Stourton日前來台造訪曹興誠,發現他有很多收藏,曹興誠說,他之所以進入古美術領域,源於很久以前為了買一塊玉送給朋友,當時賣玉給他的人送給他 很多相關的書研究,沒想到研究的愈深,卻發現那塊玉是假的,因此,他一頭栽進藝術研究的領域,博覽群書與博物館,無師自通,而如今,曹興誠家裡的擺設,就 如同是一間博物館。

曹興誠指出,他覺得東西方藝術各有特色,東方重意境,西方重視覺,在諸多畫家中,他推崇張大千是過去五個世紀來,最好的藝術家之一,當然,他也有不 少張大千的收藏。 也許受到父親是歷史及文學老師的影響,曹興誠對於古美術相當有天分,也加入台灣最大的古董收藏團體─清翫雅集,他與一般藏家最大的不同,他是從新石器時代 與商代古物入門,再往後推,其中又以青銅器、瓷器的收藏為最多,其他人則是從清朝的古物著手,再往回推。

寒舍董事長王定乾表示,曹興誠絕對夠資格入選全球重要的收藏家,他對古美術的研究精神不輸給博物館專家,尤其是青銅器部分,恐怕比台北故宮博物院的 收藏還要多,還要齊全,具有世界水準。 王定乾說,曹興誠偏好收藏青銅器、瓷器、鎏金銅佛等,家裡面有自己的展示室、收藏室,相關書籍非常多,有次上海博物館館長馬承源到曹家作客,看到如此多的 古文物,歎為觀止。 已卸下聯電董事長職務的曹興誠,現在最大的興趣除了在部落格上針砭時事,就是到拍賣會上尋寶。


2007年12月23日 星期日


中國時報 2007.12.23 










2007年12月18日 星期二

馬維建痛批 藝術拍賣公司是金光黨





 投機風熾 行情炒得離譜




 造謠拉抬行情 價格失真

 我舉一個最近發生的例子,一位四○歲左右的國內畫家,我很欣賞他,所以就去畫廊買了他的畫,外面的人一聽到我買他的畫,就跑去畫廊,一口氣收購很多他的畫,然後在市場上到處拿我的名字宣傳,叫人家來買畫,結果一張三○至五○萬元不等的畫,行情竟被炒作到一六○○萬元! 這讓畫家很不舒服,認為作品被商業化了,有心在藝術上創作的畫家,不會希望自己的作品被如此對待。






 收藏淘汰機制 市場曲解






2007年12月17日 星期一

年輸出創意產值130億美元 新日不落 英國如何輸出創意




「好,把老闆的辦公桌改到後面,保住財位,」英國建築師班哲明.華納(Benjamin Warner),身高將近兩公尺,他對著風水師點頭,願意遵循東方習俗,改變高雄市慶富集團的大樓設計。


華納的來頭不小。他和獲得2007年建築業界最高榮譽普利茲克獎(Pritzker Prize)的英國建築師理查.羅傑斯(Richard Rogers)合作20年,在東京開設cdi建築公司。












「創意產業是我們的利器,外國人看到這一點,才找我們參與,」一頭金髮的英國貿易總署資深顧問羅思嘉(Christine Losecaat)笑著說,創意產業讓英國成為「旭日東升的國度」。








2007年12月14日 星期五

A Christmas gift from Damien Hirst to the Tate

By Arifa Akbar, Arts Reporter
Friday, 14 December 2007

Damien Hirst has given four seminal works of art to the Tate from his personal collection, including a copy of his Turner Prize-winning installation. He plans to donate up to 30 of his most celebrated works to the gallery.

This is the first major gift to a museum by Hirst, the world's most expensive living artist. He said yesterday that he wanted "these pieces to represent me properly" and that he had been in discussion with the gallery for the past three years.

"It means a lot to me to have works in the Tate. I would have never thought it possible when I was a student," he said. "I think giving works from my collection is a small thing if it means millions of people get to see the work displayed in a great space."

These first four works, which will be exhibited at Tate Britain by next spring, are The Acquired Inability to Escape, which was included in his first solo exhibition at the Institute of Contemporary Arts in 1992; Life Without You, from 1991, a companion to the cabinet piece Forms Without Life which is already in Tate's collection; one of the first of Hirst's dead fly paintings entitled Who is Afraid of the Dark?; and the exhibition copy of Mother and Child Divided, which is currently on display at Tate Britain and is a version of the original installation for which he won the Turner Prize in 1995.

As part of his programme to donate up to 30 works to the Tate, Hirst has bought back pieces from gallerists including Charles Saatchi as well as dealers and auctioneers. The next phase of giving will be in another three to four years.

Nicholas Serota, director of the Tate, said the gift was an "astonishing gesture". "With such a limited budget for acquisitions, and when art market prices are high, Tate is indebted to international contemporary artists such as Damien Hirst for working with us on building the collection," he said.

The Acquired Inability to Escape is a large vitrine containing cigarettes, lighter, ashtray and stubs, apparently referring to themes of luxury, danger and death. Life Without You consists of an arrangement of sea shells laid on a desk. In Who is Afraid of the Dark?, dead flies cover the entire canvas, while Mother and Child Divided comprises a cow and calf, each bisected.

Flies and formaldehyde: Hirst's gifts to the Tate

Artist keeps his promise and donates four works from his personal collection

This article appeared in the Guardian on Friday December 14 2007 on p15 of the UK news and analysis section. It was last updated at 23:58 on December 13 2007.
It is not everyone's idea of a great Christmas present - a pickled cow, some dead flies, used cigarette ends and an arrangement of sea shells. But the Tate could not be happier, and yesterday revealed that the artist Damien Hirst had made his first ever donation to a museum.

After protracted talks, Hirst has donated four important pieces from his personal collection and the hope is that more will follow. Three years ago Hirst was one of 24 artists to pledge significant works as part of Tate's Building the Tate Collection campaign, and while artists such as Antony Gormley, Anthony Caro and Louise Bourgeois had already donated, Hirst had not.

The four works include a copy of Mother and Child, Divided (1993) - a cow and calf, each bisected, and displayed in tanks of formaldehyde - which he displayed at the Turner prize in 1995.

Also on its way to the Tate is The Acquired Inability to Escape (1991), displayed at Hirst's first ICA solo exhibition in London. It consists of a large glass display case containing, among other things, cigarettes, lighter, ashtray and stubs - for Hirst the cigarette is symbolic of luxury, danger and death.

Who is Afraid of the Dark (2002) is one of the first of Hirst's fly paintings, in which dead flies cover a canvas. The fourth work, Life Without You (1991), is an arrangement of sea shells on a desk.

Hirst said he had been in negotiations for a few years to make sure the Tate got the right works to represent him. "It means a lot to me to have works in the Tate. I would never have thought it possible when I was a student. Giving works from my collection is a small thing if it means millions of people get to see my work displayed in a great space."

The Tate, which struggles with a limited acquisitions budget in a dizzyingly expensive art market, was as delighted to receive as Hirst was to give. Its director, Nicholas Serota, called the donation "an astonishing gesture", which would transform the representation of Hirst's work in the Tate's collection.

The Tate said Hirst's donations are the first phase of gifts from the artist and they join works already owned by the Tate, including Hirst's Pharmacy (1992), a room-sized installation of medicine cabinets with packaged drugs.

Hirst is the most successful of the Young British Artists championed by collector Charles Saatchi in the 1990s. This year a diamond-encrusted skull he made was reportedly sold for £50m.

2007年12月13日 星期四

Have a cow, Hirst tells Tate

Mark Brown, arts correspondent
Thursday December 13, 2007

Damien Hirst's Mother and Child Divided
A viewer stands between two vitrines that make up part of Damien Hirst's Mother and Child Divided. Photograph: David Sillitoe

Damien Hirst has made millions selling his art but, until now, has never donated works to a museum. Today the Tate announced it had been given four important pieces from the artist's personal collection - and more would be on the way.

Three years ago Hirst was one of 24 leading artists to pledge significant works as part of Tate's Building the Tate Collection campaign, and today's announcement represents the artist coming good on that promise.

The four works include one using techniques that became something of a trademark. Mother and Child Divided is made up of a cow and calf, each bisected and displayed in tanks of formaldehyde. The donated work is a copy made this year of his 1993 piece, which he displayed at the Turner prize in 1995.

Also on its way to the Tate is The Acquired Inability to Escape (1991), which Hirst displayed at his first ICA solo exhibition in London. It consists of a large glass display case containing, among other things, cigarettes, lighter, ashtray and stubs - for Hirst symbolic of luxury, danger and death.

Who is Afraid of the Dark (2002) is one of the first in Hirst's series of fly paintings, in which dead flies completely cover a canvas. The fourth work donated is Life Without You (1991), an arrangement of seashells laid evenly spaced on a desk.

Hirst said he had been in negotiations for a few years to make sure the Tate got the right works. He added: "It means a lot to me to have works in the Tate. I would never have thought it possible when I was a student. I think giving works from my collection is a small thing if it means millions of people get to see my work displayed in a great space."

The Tate, which like all national institutions struggles with a limited acquisitions budget despite a soaring art market, was as delighted to receive as Hirst was to give. Its director Nicholas Serota said: "This substantial gift from Damien Hirst will transform the representation of his work in Tate's collection. I am extremely grateful to Damien for his overwhelming generosity in making such a significant gift."

The Tate said Hirst's donations are the first phase of gifts from the artist. They join works already owned by the Tate including Hirst's Pharmacy (1992), which is a room-sized installation which, as the name suggests, is made up of medicine cabinets with packaged drugs behind glass.

Hirst is the most successful of the young British artists championed by collector Charles Saatchi in the early 1990s. Earlier this year his work For The Love of God, an astonishing diamond encrusted skull, was sold, it was claimed, to a business consortium for £50m.

Hirst was also, for a few months at least, the most expensive living artist at auction when one his pill cabinets, Lullaby Spring, sold for £9.6m at Sotheby's. He held the record until last month when Jeff Koons' The Hanging Heart (Magenta and Gold) sculpture sold for £11.3m.

2007年12月12日 星期三

Chapmans make Hell even worse

Francesca Martin
Wednesday December 12, 2007
The Guardian

The artists Jake and Dinos Chapman have finally finished a new version of their original 1999 work Hell. Created for their forthcoming show at the White Cube Mason's Yard in London next May, the piece is described by the artists as "bigger and better" than the original installation, which depicted thousands of 2in-high figures carrying out acts of mass torture and murder. Bought by Charles Saatchi for £500,000, the work was destroyed in a warehouse fire in Leyton, east London, in May 2004, along with hundreds of other major artworks. The new Hell - which will have a new, as-yet undisclosed title - was originally supposed to appear in the brothers' mid-career retrospective at Tate Liverpool last year, but was not ready in time. It is, according to Dinos, "even more horrible" than the original.

2007年12月11日 星期二

北美館日本公仔展 議員:穿太少

記者:張介凡 攝影: 陳其銳 台北 報導






2007年12月2日 星期日

Young at art

December 2, 2007

By the age of four, this girl’s paintings had fetched around $300,000 and staggered the art world. Enter the cynics, who insist her father is the real genius

Marla Olmstead, aged 7, at work

Marla Olmstead was born in 2000. Her father, Mark, a manager in a factory, had recently taken up painting as a hobby. He was still painting when Marla, aged two, asked to join in.

“I gave her a brush and some paper,” Mark recalls, “and put her in front of the easel.” Later, he gave her a large canvas and sat her on top of it in only her nappy. He provided acrylic paints and brushes and rollers, and let her get on with it.

When Marla was three, a friend of the family asked to put up Marla’s colourful abstracts in his coffee shop, in their hometown in New York State. Soon after that he said he wanted prices for the work. The family thought that was hilarious, but agreed. And soon Marla sold her first art work. Laura photocopied the $250 cheque.

Around the same time, a local artist decided to open his own gallery. A painter of painstakingly detailed hyper-realist figurative work, Anthony Brunelli came across Marla’s paintings at a friend’s house. It wasn’t like the stuff he painted himself, but Brunelli could see its potential. By the summer of 2004, Marla had her own dealer.

Brunelli phoned a local newspaper reporter, Elizabeth Cohen. “I told him, I don’t write about art, I write about families,” she recalls. But the story he told her about Marla was compelling, so Cohen phoned Marla’s mother, Laura Olmstead. “I asked if she wanted me to write a story.”

Laura consented. “It was like lighting a match to a fuse,” recalls Cohen.

Other news organisations followed, and the price of Marla’s work shot up. Mark Olmstead, understandably excited, asked his friends: “Do you want to make an investment?” The owner of the Houston Rockets bought a Marla. Oprah Winfrey and David Letterman called to get the family on their shows. And companies including Gap and Crayola offered corporate sponsorship.

“This is bigger than I had even anticipated,” said a delighted Brunelli. “We have more than 70 people wanting to buy something. I don’t know how long it will take her to paint all that.”

Art critics suggested that Marla’s work was comparable to that of the great abstract expressionists, and saw her success as emblematic of the fundamental meaninglessness of modern art. Thus she revived the question: “What is art?”

One who saw beauty in her work was Michael Kimmelman of The New York Times. “A lot of art in the modern era is about alienating the viewership,” he says. “Probably the worst thing you could say about an artist is that everything this artist does is joyous and wonderful and open-hearted and simple and free. In certain circles this might sound like you’re not serious. The appeal of the Marla world is that it seems pure innocent joy, no cynicism, no irony, no sarcasm. You know nobody is saying ‘F*** you’ in this picture. They’re just saying, ‘I’m a happy girl who loves painting.’ ”

That is, if Marla really was painting.

The great renaissance artist Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini caught the eye of the pope with sketches he made aged seven. Picasso started to produce extremely accomplished work around the same age. John Everett Millais entered the Royal Academy at 11. Marla was considerably younger – was her talent too success, in which her sales amounted to something like $300,000, cynics started to suggest that Marla’s paintings were actually done by her father. In particular, an hour-long investigation on prime-time TV showed footage from a hidden camera, installed with the parents’ permission. This showed Marla painting much like any other child of her age. A microphone captured Mark hissing instructions. An expert in children’s art concluded: “I don’t see Marla having made or completed these works. I saw no evidence that she was a prodigy. I saw a normal and adorable child, except that she had a coach.”

Cohen, who had always felt misgivings about putting Marla into the public eye, sat and watched that 60 Minutes programme alongside Marla’s parents. “I was pretty shocked,” she recalls. “It was ugly journalism – to undo a four-year-old and her family for an hour on prime time. They were really in over their heads.”

) ) ) ) )

Like Mark Olmstead, I too am a keen amateur painter, with a young daughter who is uncommonly passionate about art.

When I was 14, I won a prize in a fairly important adult art competition. I decided I wanted to be “an artist” but was told by a careers adviser that it would be terribly difficult to make a living and I should think of something else. As a result, my productive period as a painter in oils more or less ended with my teens.

But in January, for my birthday, my wife paid for me to attend classes at the prestigious Hampstead School of Art. I had not one but two professional artists teaching me: fantastic. Fired up, I determined to carry a sketch book with me at all times. A good number of the sketches depict Nancy, who has just turned four.

As for her own work: I already possess something like 300 drawings. I keep them because she fusses insufferably when I throw them out. Anyway, we like them. We recently framed one that she did with pens on a kitchen towel, and hung it in the downstairs loo. Whereupon Nancy decided to stick up her own works in the living room, using Blu Tack. I can’t think of any decent explanation why she shouldn’t do that – so the pictures stayed.

I have been astounded by the sheer attention she gives to art: from the age of two, she has often devoted more than an hour to a single work. Collecting her from nursery I would regularly be given a sheaf of drawings she’d done that day. Each picture had a story. “This is where we live,” she might say, pointing to one coloured blob or tangle. “And here’s the park. And here’s the Scilly Isles.” (We have holidayed there.)

Looking at other people’s pictures (drawings, photographs, ads), she became interested in why individuals in certain pictures looked cross or happy, and began to introduce those emotional states into her own drawings.

I was delighted by Nancy’s progress – which I absurdly put down to sheer genetic talent. I was dismayed when she showed mark-making skills that had quite obviously been taught by nursery staff – as, for instance, when she showed me how to draw a flower, or run a line of blue sky across the top of a page.

In the late 1800s and early 1900s researchers began to describe the three basic stages children follow in their development as artists: scribbling, first unsystematically and then in clusters and with circular shapes; then with elementary human figures, objects and environments; and finally with lifelike, naturalistic detail.

A certain Rhoda Kellogg proposed in 1969 that children go through a progressive sequence of scribbling that starts with simple marks and eventually becomes complex. Kellogg identified 20 basic scribble types, used by two- and three-year-olds, which provide the foundation for later graphic development. These include dots, single and multiple vertical, horizontal and diagonal lines, curved lines, roving open and closed lines, zigzags, loops, spirals and assorted circles.

At three or four years old, according to Cathy Malchiodi, the author of Understanding Children’s Drawings, children start to name the parts of their drawings and invent stories about them. Adults teach children to locate representational qualities in their art by asking, “Is that Daddy?” or just: “What are you drawing?”

The first recognisably human figures generally appear in the work of children aged around four to six, according to Malchiodi. These tadpole figures usually consist of a head, legs and, less frequently, arms. At this stage, figures are often placed around the page without reference to a ground line, and with little regard for relationships to size. Some may appear to be upside down. Towards the end of this stage, children begin to draw more detail. They add toes, fingers, teeth, eyebrows, hair, ears.

In the next stage, standard, formal visual symbols appear: trees with a brown trunk and green top, a yellow sun in the corner of the page, a ground line for figures to stand on and a blue line of sky across the top. This stage usually appears in children aged six to nine.

There are rare exceptions to this predictable sequence. In the 1970s, a young girl called Nadia was diagnosed as functionally retarded with autistic affect, but showed extraordinary gifts as an artist. From the age of three to six, she produced drawings that rivalled adult artists. But this ability was short-lived. By the time she was a young adult, her work had deteriorated severely.

Another artist with autism is the Londoner Stephen Wiltshire. From a young age, he demonstrated an extraordinary talent for drawing from memory, which he still possesses. In May 2005 he depicted Tokyo on a 10-metre-long canvas within seven days after a short helicopter ride over the city. The late Sir Hugh Casson once described Wiltshire’s sense of perspective as faultless. “I’ve never seen such a natural and extraordinary talent.”

To say that Wiltshire “only” has this talent because he’s autistic would be to denigrate something miraculous in its own right. But the fact remains that he and Nadia are different from “ordinary” talented children such as Marla – or two-year-old Freddie Linsky.

Freddie’s mother, Estelle Lovatt, is an art critic and lecturer who straightforwardly describes her two-year-old son as a prodigy. “I have been taking him with me to galleries and press views since he was three months old,” she tells me. On the wall in his bedroom are postcards from the galleries. “He can tell you which one is Botticelli and which one van Eyck.”

But he’s not only a connoisseur. “His work has been seen on the internet by people in Berlin who were in the process of forming an exhibition, and they invited him along and didn’t know he was a two-year-old.

“Having seen so much art myself, and knowing as a critic what is good, I believe he is a natural. It’s not about being good for his age. It’s not children’s art. Children’s art is when somebody at a nursery sticks sand onto a piece of brown paper, or macaroni. Freddie makes art, and just happens to be a child.”

So far as this goes, I can only applaud Lovatt. But I feel uncomfortable, and tell her so, about trying to commercialise such a young child’s art. Freddie’s work is available to view on the Saatchi website. But he’s not listed as a child artist. On the contrary, there’s a playful attempt to present him as a grown-up. Freddie Linsky, the site tells us, is an art critic and a familiar face at press viewings at galleries and exhibitions in London.

The prose that accompanies Freddie’s pictures includes much of the higher bollocks in which art critics trade. This might be seen as a splendid send-up of modern art and the people who buy it – except that Lovatt confesses she was “trying to test the market”. When money changes hands, people tend to take everything more seriously – as the Olmsteads painfully discovered.

) ) ) ) )

On www.marlaolmstead.com, paintings by the American prodigy remain available for purchase, alongside prints in limited editions of 100 that sell for around $500 each.

The site also features short films to download showing Marla painting over a gentle new-age soundtrack, filmed to reassure would-be buyers that Marla really does paint.

Watching those edited highlights, I find myself wondering what instructions Marla might have been given, even while the camera was rolling, and who selected her materials. By giving a child the right materials you can get results that you might not get if you let them choose their own. Fast-drying acrylic paints, such as Marla uses, applied over a large area of canvas, might very well result in satisfactory abstracts with bright colours, whereas a medium that remains wet is likely to result in a mud-coloured mess more typical of four-year-olds.

Hoping for some insights on this, I visited the artist Nigel Caple, who teaches me at the Hampstead School of Art but also teaches young children. I asked him to look at the images on Marla’s website. “The impressive thing is that they’re all so finished,” he said. “I have kids working on the same painting for weeks and I have problems getting them to fill the canvas.” He’s impressed by the mark-making. “They’re very decorative and attractive. But is it saying anything? The language of painting has become vast, but is it all valid? This kind of abstract work can only now be considered wonderful: 100 years ago it would have been seen as a mess.”

Could Marla have been taught to create art in a certain way – to cover every inch of a canvas, wait till one colour has dried before applying another? Possibly. But would that really be any more acceptable than faking, if it meant crushing a child’s self-expression, and artistic and personal development?

Zara Rochfort and Fuyuko Takeda are art therapists. They work in primary and secondary schools, offering courses of therapy to children who may have been referred by teachers. The therapy takes place in a quiet room with plentiful art materials, where children can feel free to pursue their own ideas.

The point is not to consider the final artwork, stresses Rochfort. “We never look at a piece of art and say, ‘This is what it means.’ It’s about the process. You notice what they’re making and how they make it – and what they say.”

Indeed, the children may not produce conventional art work at all. Takeda remembers one troubled boy who went around the room connecting pieces of furniture with Sellotape – a unifying procedure of fairly obvious symbolic meaning. “We discussed how frightening it was for him to be moved around from one foster home to another. The art was about him being in control, and holding things together.”

It would be hard to think of a more chilling, but also life-affirming, example of children’s need to express themselves through art than the exhibition put on by Kids Company, a charity for deeply troubled children, in London earlier this year. Showcasing the work of 500 children, Demons and Angels included such horrors as a doll with its eye gouged out, another with a plastic bag over its head, skulls, and figures like addicts with syringes sticking into their legs.

The message of such works may have been blunt, but the charity’s founder, Camila Batmanghelidjh, stresses that these children have an overwhelming urge to communicate: “It’s very important that we understand. It’s a sad exhibition, but it’s also incredibly uplifting because of the honesty and the courage the children have shown in sharing this.”

Art gives an indication of a child’s growth. Some types of art do this more than others.

“Drawing a family is not usually a favourite subject of children given freedom to draw anything they want,” says Malchiodi, herself an art therapist. The exception to that is children aged four to six years old – or earlier, presumably, in Marla’s case. At this stage in their development, “human figures become an important part of drawings and children naturally draw images of themselves, parents, siblings and other people significant to them. Children who are well adjusted and comfortable with their families generally draw images that are charming and creative, capturing details of family life and remarkably unique characteristics of parents, siblings and self”.

So why hasn’t Marla done anything like that? Where, on www.marlaolmstead.com, are the tadpole figures? Where are the drawings of her mother, father and younger brother, Zane?

After Marla first came to public notice, an award-winning film-maker, Amir Bar-Lev, approached the Olmsteads with a request to make a documentary about her. The family had already been turned upside down by intrusive media requests, but at that point their story was still generally positive. They agreed to let him make the film, welcoming him into their home for a period of months and treating him not as a journalist but as a friend. Then, when the world turned against the Olmsteads, they saw Bar-Lev’s film as an opportunity to set the record straight. “I open myself up to you,” Marla’s mother told him. “I choose to trust you.”

But the resulting film, out in December, didn’t work out quite how they’d like it. At one point, tellingly, when Marla paints on camera she produces muddy smears. Her father reassures Bar-Lev: “When there is no camera it’s different. This is not normal. The only time she acts like that is when the camera is in front of her. She will go back at it and over it and make it nice. It’s rare that she gets to the mud point.”

Another time, Marla tells her father it’s his turn to paint: “All right, just help me, dude.” “Marla, you do what you want,” he replies. “You have to tell me what to do – right now,” she says. Turning to camera, Mark explains: “She says funny things all the time.” But to me, Marla’s hesitancy and blankness are chilling.

After the 60 Minutes investigation, sales of Marla’s work dried up. In the film her mother calls that a blessing. “I caught myself smiling with relief that it was over. Mark thinks we were financially injured, but the money had just come from nowhere. It happened and it can unhappen.” Then the family made a DVD of Marla painting, to prove she did it. But the canvas she produced on camera is distinctly less accomplished than others she is supposed to have done off camera.

In a telling episode, Anthony Brunelli offers one of those less-finished paintings to a would-be buyer, along with other works.

“This one is easy on the eyes,” the buyer says, “but you look at that one and my mind is working hard. It’s not relaxing. It doesn’t look like the same person’s painting.”

In 2005, the Olmsteads parted company with Brunelli, who went back to his own painting.

“I have always felt that modern art is a kind of scam. It takes me months to do realist paintings. And these things sell for millions. The most I ever sold for is $100,000.

“When I came across Marla’s work it was like a gift – ‘Screw you, modern-art world!’ I do not understand that world, but I do understand the value of marketing. That’s when it came together. I thought, ‘I have history in the making and something that will turn the art world on its ear.’”

At the end of his time with the family, Bar-Lev was feeling deeply uncomfortable. “I have been telling everyone how great it has been for the film that this potential scandal has come up, but now I feel sad and conflicted. If they’re lying, they’re lying incredibly well. It’s only now that I realise I’m going to have to call some people liars, who on the face of it are great people.

“Was it really possible that Marla had been propped in front of a bunch of paintings that she hadn’t done,” he wondered, “and hadn’t ever said anything about it? And was it really possible that Mark could hide this from his wife?”

On camera, he tentatively addresses his concerns to the parents. “To me, if Mark helped in some way, then I can see that explaining the complexity of the paintings. I don’t know, am I completely off base?”

“I think that is wrong,” says Laura.

“I think that when she started I told her not to push the brush,” Mark puzzles. “Not to push it. How do you direct a child to make a crazy abstract painting? You can’t do that.”

Bar-Lev persists. “I feel like some of the paintings have big, adult ideas…”

“I need you to believe me,” says Laura. “I want to take a polygraph test. We are adults, we can handle this. It’s so unfair.” Before she starts to cry, she asks: “What have I done to my children?”

Since that interview was filmed, the Olmsteads have continued to sell Marla’s paintings. On their website, they say that their daughter, now seven, is largely unaware of the public interest, and happy. But there’s no evidence of normal, childlike progression in her work, or the kind of self-expression we might expect – the self-expression that, even in late developers, can be nothing less than magical.

Tiny-fingers Freddie dupes art world

December 2, 2007

MORE than a decade after Charles Saatchi championed the talents of Damien Hirst and Tracey Emin, a young British artist is creating a buzz on the collector’s online gallery.

Freddie WR Linsky is known to some for his “grasshopper-like strokes”, to others for his “spot and blotch” primitivism. To his mother he is simply Freddie, a two-year-old toddler.

Freddie has duped the art world by selling his work on the adult section of Saatchi Online. His initial efforts were edible rather than Munch: his first medium was tomato ketchup, as he scrawled on the table of his high chair.

“Not since Titian has a single particular colour had such an effect on me,” the gallery quotes Freddie as saying of the paint used in his work Leonard III. “If Titian used blood for his reds, then surely sunshine was used for this yellow.”

The description underneath one work, The Best Loved Elephant, says: “The striking use of oriental calligraphy has the kanji-like characters stampeding from the page, showing the new ascent of the East. One of the artist’s most experimental works.”

It was enough to chalk up Freddie’s first sale, to a Manchester artist and collector, for £20. But the captions are composed by Freddie’s mother, Estelle Lovatt, a lecturer at Hampstead School of Art and freelance art critic.

Lovatt said last week: “It was all meant to be tongue in cheek and I thought people would figure it out, but then Freddie got an e-mail from a gallery in Berlin asking whether he would be willing to exhibit, and now he has sold one of his paintings.”

A spokeswoman for Saatchi Online said the virtual gallery was intended to give artists the freedom to exhibit their work as they liked. Freddie is the youngest of 75,000 artists who show their work and sell at prices from a few pounds to many thousands. This year it will generate £50m in sales.